Investor Information Statements

Before buying Exchange-traded Treasury Bonds (eTBs) or Exchange-traded Treasury Indexed Bonds (eTIBs), you should read the relevant Investor Information Statement and Term Sheet for the series that you are considering investing in.

Investor Information Statements and Term Sheets for eTBs and eTIBs are located at the links below.

  • Financial Advisers: If you are a financial adviser recommending to a retail client that they invest in an Exchange-traded Australian Government Bond you must provide the investor with a copy of the relevant Investor Information Statement and Term Sheets.

    You are required to advise your clients that from 1 January 2025 communications in relation to Exchange-Traded Australian Government Bonds (eAGB) will generally be provided in digital format. Documents, notices and other communications relating to their eAGB investments will be available through the Investor Centre provided by the Registrar, Computershare. Investors will be notified by email when new information is released.

eTB Information Statement

eTIB Information Statement